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Linking staff reputation and happiness to executive pay the next logical step

Linking staff reputation and happiness to executive pay the next logical step

I was delighted to have the opportunity to contribute to HR Leader on the topic of staff reputation, which is very close to my heart and central to my management philosophy and book key themes.

We’re seeing much-needed emphasis from some of Australia’s largest organisations on overall reputation, but still far too few on the arguably more important topic of staff reputation – what do people who work for you think about how you treat them, what you do as an organisation, what you contribute?

There’s a chasm growing between leadership teams and the coal face, and we see it manifested in many different ways – underpayment, pay gaps, disagreement and aggrievance over return-to-office policies, and a lack of appreciation and recognition.

There are great tools available to help measure staff reputation, such as the employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS), and those willing to ask these hard questions are brave and likely to be rewarded. Happier, healthier people contribute more to the bottom line, boost productivity, and will be an asset to Australia’s grand Future Made in Australia ambitions.

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Linking staff reputation and happiness to executive pay the next logical step

Linking staff reputation and happiness to executive pay the next logical step

I was delighted to have the opportunity to contribute to HR Leader on the topic of staff reputation, which is very close to my heart and central to...

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A Stifling System Crippling Trust

A Stifling System Crippling Trust

Thank you,The Canberra Timesfor the opportunity to contribute an article on the important issues of wage theft and compliance, and the wider impact...

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Budget fails to address productivity, industrial relations complexity

Budget fails to address productivity, industrial relations complexity

Thank you iTWirefor sharing my thoughts on the 2024 budget.

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